torsdag 26 juni 2008


Paeonia Lac "Eva"

Paeonia Lac "Duchesse De Nemours"
Paeonia lac "Cheddar Charm"
Paeonia lac "Bo Peep"
Paeonia "Black Monark"
Paeonia lac "Circus Circus"
Vi är som sagt TOKIGA i pioner.
We are creasy about peonys.

6 kommentarer:

Jema Rose sa...

Underbara !!! Den där Circus Circus, var ju verkligen något extra..!

: )

Kram, Jenny


Hjärtat Mitt sa...

Har verkligen trillat dit och måste ha fler. Var köper ni era?

Kram Mari i Marieholm

Barbara sa...

Beautiful! I'm also very fond of them too (there is also my peony post on). Have a nice weekend!

Frances, sa...

Hi Ken and Carina, your peonies are the best. You have such a large selection too. So sorry for your internet troubles, for us it was the television satellite dish was hit by lightning while we were on vacation. I want to say that your concrete table tops are my favorite of all. You two are so talented. Brilliant even!
Frances at Faire Garden

Katarina (Roses and stuff) sa...

Vilken otrolig samling pioner ni har! jag blir grön av avund... Circus Circus kommer jag drömma om...

RANA sa...

Vanvettigt vackra, mina vänner.

Kram, Rana